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2023-2024 KINDERGARTEN TUITION: $18,750 If you have another child enrolled in Gan Sinai, we are proud to offer a sibling discount of 5% off the oldest child’s annual tuition. This discount will be applied by our office after enrollment. There is also a 3% discount if you pay your full tuition in one payment upon enrollment.
Available for additional fees:
Suggested Annual Giving Campaign Donation Temple Sinai’s Annual Giving Campaign helps fill the gap between income from Partnership Commitment, fees, tuition, donations, and the actual cost of running the synagogue’s programs, including Gan Sinai.
Please review our Family Handbook and acknowledge your receipt and review. You can access this Handbook anytime at
I/We agree to allow my child’s name, photograph, and information to be used by the school in the school’s publications, videos, promotional materials and website, without compensation and without prior notice. I release and hold the school harmless from any liability stemming from the use of my child’s name, photograph, or information.
I/We hereby consent and hold the school harmless for the release of my child’s records and information upon request by an educational institution or law enforcement agency. I also release and hold the school harmless from any liability stemming from the use, disclosure or release of my child’s records or information.
Anyone who is participating in programming or sending their children to programming at Gan Sinai at Temple Sinai of North Dade, must read, agree to and follow our "Wellness" policies available at
Temple sinai of north dade | 18801 NE 22nd Ave, Miami fl 33180 | 305.932.9010 | | GET IN TOUCH