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Gan Sinai Kindergarten Enrollment 2023-2024

We're so excited to learn and celebrate with you at Gan Sinai Early Learning Center. Please complete the following form to enroll your child for the 2023-2024 school year.
If you are a returning family, please make sure you are logged in to the Temple Sinai website before completing this form. Click the Login button on the top right of this page. If you don't remember your password, go to, enter your email address and click on "Forgot password." You will receive an email with a link to create your new password. Once you have created your new password, please save your login information securely. 
Please note: A student must be five years old before August 31, 2023 to enter Kindergarten.

2023-2024 KINDERGARTEN TUITION: $18,750
If you have another child enrolled in Gan Sinai, we are proud to offer a sibling discount of 5% off the oldest child’s annual tuition. This discount will be applied by our office after enrollment.

There is also a 3% discount if you pay your full tuition in one payment upon enrollment.

Available for additional fees:

  • Lunch may be purchased daily through our school caterer: $7.50/day per child (
  • Challah for Shabbat (
  • Club Sinai (coming soon with a huge discount for Kindergarten families!)
  • Winter, Spring and Summer Camps

Suggested Annual Giving Campaign Donation
Temple Sinai’s Annual Giving Campaign helps fill the gap between income from Partnership Commitment, fees, tuition, donations, and the actual cost of running the synagogue’s programs, including Gan Sinai.


You can make one payment in full and receive a 3% discount or spread your payments out over the year. Full payment must be received by May 30, 2024. We accept payments by e-check, credit card or cash. Please complete either the e-check or credit card information below for your tuition payments. Please note, credit card payments will incur a convenience fee of 2.5%.

You will pay your deposit on the next page.

If you are opting for 10 payments, please indicate on which day of each month you would like your automatic payments processed.

Please check each box below indicating your agreement.
I/We agree to pay all tuition and fees charged to our bank account using e-check or our credit card using the information provided on this form.
I/We understand and accept that Temple Sinai of North Dade Inc. DOES NOT REFUND REGISTRATION FEES, DEPOSITS, TUITION FEES, OR ANY OTHER PAYMENTS TO THE SCHOOL, if we decide to remove our child(ren) from the school after registration, except in the following circumstances: where the school has counseled us to withdraw our child; where we had hoped to move to the area but are no longer able to do so; or where we are moving away from the area for a job or to make aliyah. Refunds will be issued if there is insufficient class enrollment.
It is agreed that payments of all tuition and fees will be received on time. It is understood that Temple Sinai of North Dade Inc. has the right and responsibility to make every effort to assure the on-time collection of all outstanding balances due and may, in cases of non-compliance, elect to terminate the relationship. I/We agree to pay all costs of collection, including reasonable attorney’s fees, in the event that any payment hereunder is not timely made and it becomes necessary to utilize the services of an attorney, whether the matter be brought to arbitration or not.
There are many factors that determine class placement, including date of registration, birth dates, gender ratio, specific dismissal time, and, if applicable, children’s interactive behaviors and compatible chemistry developing a well-balanced group. We welcome any information about your child that you feel could help us determine placement. Gan Sinai's faculty comprises caring and committed educators and it is within our purview to make classroom assignments. We are committed to create the best educational environment to optimize your child’s growth and learning. Please understand that teachers cannot promise placement in a particular class. 

Please review our Family Handbook and acknowledge your receipt and review. You can access this Handbook anytime at

I/We agree to allow my child’s name, photograph, and information to be used by the school in the school’s publications, videos, promotional materials and website, without compensation and without prior notice. I release and hold the school harmless from any liability stemming from the use of my child’s name, photograph, or information.

I/We hereby consent and hold the school harmless for the release of my child’s records and information upon request by an educational institution or law enforcement agency. I also release and hold the school harmless from any liability stemming from the use, disclosure or release of my child’s records or information.

Anyone who is participating in programming or sending their children to programming at Gan Sinai at Temple Sinai of North Dade, must read, agree to and follow our "Wellness" policies available at

Binding Arbitration and Prevailing Party Status: We believe that arbitration is the most appropriate way to resolve any dispute that may arise between Temple Sinai of North Dade, Inc. and you. By submitting this application, you and Temple Sinai agree that any and all disputes arising out of or related to your child's enrollment in Temple Sinai, or to any other aspect of the relationship between you and/or your child, on the one hand, and Temple Sinai or any of its employees, on the other, shall be heard and determined exclusively by final and binding arbitration before a single arbitrator under the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association, in Miami-Dade County, Florida and judgment upon the arbitration award may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. The substantive laws of Florida shall be applied in resolving any such dispute. Agreeing to final and binding arbitration means forgoing many elements of litigation in court, most notably detailed discovery, trial by jury, and the right to appeal. Temple Sinai believes that the advantages of relative speed and economy, and of confidentiality, outweigh any disadvantages. Should you have any questions regarding this choice of process, we recommend that you consult with counsel prior to submitting this application. The prevailing party in the arbitration proceeding shall be awarded all costs and reasonable attorney's fees in an amount determined by the arbitrator. Such an award shall include the costs and reasonable attorney's fees incurred in the arbitration proceeding as well as the costs and reasonable attorney's fees incurred in preparing for and attending any scheduled mediation.
Tue, February 18 2025 20 Sh'vat 5785