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60 Years And Still Growing…

In 1956, a few families came together and dreamed about a congregation of educated, spiritual Jews; an educational, spiritual, and social program that would support their Judaism; beautiful buildings in which to gather; and the staff to lead them at an uncompromising level of excellence and service. They dreamed of a religious center for the North Dade Jewish community. Through the constant support, both moral and financial, of dedicated and committed congregants, that dream became a reality, and the reality surpassed our hopes.

Under the guidance of its new Rabbi, Ralph P. Kingsley, in 1967 Temple Sinai moved to our current Carolyn Kemelhor Campus. And from then on we have not stopped growing.

After almost 70 years, that dream remains alive in the faces, hearts, and hands of our congregants. Our ongoing hope is that Temple Sinai will continue to be a center of Jewish life and learning, and that you will share the joys of Judaism with us through your involvement.

Some of our milestones in pictures

Ground Breaking Ceremony - September, 1967

Ground Breaking Ceremony Program - Sunday, September 17, 1967   Ground Breaking Ceremony Program   Ground Breaking Ceremony 

Torah Procession to Temple Sinai's new campus and first service at new Synagogue - May, 1969


Press Releases - From 1967 to 1969 



Tue, September 17 2024 14 Elul 5784